Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pandora's Box

What happened to those old times?
Children playing,
Adults laughing,
Everyone happy.

Everything was good....

But, now,
The world is a cruel place
Filled with evil, sadness, and greediness

Children crying,
Adults worried,
Everyone sad.

There is no peace,
Everyone is fighting,
Nobody is getting along.
Many people are sick and dying.
No sign of love anywhere....

What am I to do?
It's too late:

Pandora's box has been opened.

But at least,
We have hope.....

Saturday, December 27, 2008

lost. vacant of inspiration.

sometimes, the worst of all things that could possibly happen to someone who is writing is losing their inspiration. just like losing their train of thought while you are in a conversation, or when you are at a lost of words to describe what you want to say, losing inspiration is a road block. an involuntary stop, forcing you to lose your mind.
i have one of those now. I've been having one for the last 2 years. sometimes i don't even notice it's there. but now, more than ever, with my urge of wanting to write, i can't help but hate this road block. maybe I'm just thinking too much. maybe I'm nervous over what i write and unlike now i can't "think" to write. MAYbe, the best forms of writing, are those that fall in the forms of a rant.

maybe that's my inspiration. ranting. =) man, do i love to rant. ranting, and rambling, and wondering, and inspiring. ins[iration! why, is it back? or was it never gone? hmmm. imma go take a shower, and hopefully begin my long, overdue essay that i have been needing to do. thank you inspiration. you are my life, so stay here with me.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hot Coco

Its 20 minutes to nine o'clock.
I sit, legs crossed, drinking hot coco.
It burns my tongue, and I wonder
When will I learn, to let it cool off first?

The taste is sweet and dry.
I let it warm my body
And start feeling strange.

I look into the cup,
the left over dark chocolate at the bottom
it smells good
but tastes dry and bitter.

I think of my life
as I stare into the cup.
I think and think.
Its Christmas,

So Why am I so down?

I feel like I am about to cry
When the phone of my mind rings

Its my brother calling

My brother is calling

And I feel a joy in my heart that I cannot describe.

As I hold the phone to my heart I whisper the words
that I wished to say everyday

"I've missed you...I love you"...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bittersweet failure

Struck in a place where no one can't see me, just when things were going okay I lose everything. I lose my friends, i lose my perfect grades that goes down the hill and never going back. Alone, tired, scared, feeling lost in the dark that is making my stomach hungry. Eyes popping out when I saw my next term period, thinking "I am so stupid and want to die". You feel like you tried everything and want to give up on yourself.

Your teacher tells you to work hard, but so what? IN your mind you are saying "I am working hark maybe I am just stupid". People life is a challenge, life to me is a roller coaster that is going up and down. Now I am all way down and lost, crying for help. Life is also unfair, you see people that you hate gets everything you ever wanted but you just have to kept on working. You get mixed of emotions, jealously and angry.

But listening to music clams me down. You can't tell anyone your secret because you just scared it is going to turn into gossip, crush, problems, life.


Just when I thought everything was going well,

It hits me.

It makes me fall onto my knees,
and cuts my hands like glass.
It gives me headaches and...
It makes me cry.

So much to do in such little time,
how can I ever finish?
How will I ever succeed?

All I can do is ask myself how
and say "Its impossible"
What am I good at?
And what am I useful for?

I don't deserve to be alive.
I should've never been born.
Because how can a person like me,
please my parents?

I'm a mistake, a burden.

How can a person like me,
succeed in college?
Pass with such confidence to make a great future?
Support the one I love?

How can I?
When I'm no good
When I'm of no use...
And all I can do is cry about it.

Because I'm a failure.

A failure...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

You could tell me I'm beautiful

But can you tell me why I should believe?

You can say you think I'm intelligent

But can you prove it to the rest of them?

You can say I'm so kind

But what do you truly say when I'm not looking?

If you plan to spread gossip,

If you plan to start fights,

Get away from me,

'Cause there's no way I'm arguing today

You can say that you want me

But you'll just use me to impress

You can kick me and spit at me

Just to show that it's cool

Well let me tell you one thing

You don't make the rules

Lets see you talk back

Lets see you act mean

Lets see you win a fight

Without your buddies

I am going to tell you here

I am going to tell you now

I am stronger than you are

I am stronger by the miles

So stop the sweet act

'Cause you lost the round

And here I go walking

Down to "Proud of me" town.

The Empty Stare

Those eyes
across from me
they lie

that stare
took my dignity
and the hope from me

the silence
echoed in my ears
and gave me fear
that you would'nt be near

that twinkle
It gave me chills
and somehow
I felt thrilled

The color
made me think
of my feelings
of my own dreams

That look
It killed me
I felt as if
I was no longer free

Those eyes
across from me
the stare is...
Just so empty

Its is over

aaaaaaaaaaaaa! I can't take it anymore. The clock striking midnight making me tired, useless that is making my eyes go to sleep. Wide awake starting at the window I feel I am faraway in a island filled with ice cream, the ocean that is making my body sweat off the heat that is making my mind esle where. I can't move or stand up, my legs just want to run and run. Out the sky I imagine my life turning around the way I want to. But it shows me a rocking cradle that is going back and forth like a time that is never going back just staying same.

I feel lost, my eyes red and black like the color a crayon or a ugly bird that is eating a person up. I can't breathe and my brain is bursting open into a skull. Too many thoughts! I can't survive it anymore I imagine flying up to the sky. I see god looking at me smiling and listening to me, wondering why i am here? But I can feel a smile on my face no school, no parents, no drama, no boys, no friends that makes my blood rise up to the dark shadows of the grave. Looking inside a mirror I see my parents fighting, i see my mom abusing me like a little baby is about to cry. But I feel jumping up and down, no life for me. Tears running down my face my mom telling me harsh words that is my body breaking into pieces.

I see myelf closing my eyes and never opening them again. I just stay still for one second, one piece of peace that is taking my last breath. The past is hunting over, "true friends" can't trust on them and ditching me everyday. But the truth is they don't like me or can't stand me. They all wish I was gone forever. Friends lieing to me my face when my face is about to burst in a small baby cry. The truth is I have no friends and I am alone. Everyone hates me, no one can't hear me. They all busy with their own lives and they forget me, leaving me alone in the dark shadows. The mirror looks at me I have white eyes that are about to crack open, books can only save me. No books no anything. Just me and my actions.

I kept on running and running until I take my last breath then it is all over for me. No blood, no friends, no parents, just me flying to the sky and smiling in my face like a small child is about to eat ice cream.

I'm just another silent leaf in the big park

I am not that pretty and I am not that cool
I'm not that funny and I do poorly in school
I give so much love but get none back
and happiness is an emotion I often lack
I feel so alone and I feel so sad
Mom always arguing with me
and where the hell is my dad
I cant really dance I cant even cook
I like to read but could barley afford a book
I have no sense of fashion and I dont really know my friends
I'm clumsy and akward and the problems never seem to end
Can't solve my problems because I hate math
and my future seems to be taking the completly wrong path
so Ill just continue to cry in the dark
because I'm just another silent leaf in the big park


So you call yourself a hero, huh?
I have many who would say otherwise.
a whole city still teeming with swords,
ready to tear at your flesh.
I am among them,
with a dagger ready to give the final blow

So you call yourself a hero, do you?
I can speak to the contrary.
when you hurt the person I cared about,
you made a fatal mistake.
now, come get what you deserve,
reap the whirlwind you have sown.

So you call yourself a hero, yes?
your crime far outweighs anything you could say.
I am not alone.
the people you have hurt cry out for your blood, you criminal!
their strength floods my limbs,
as I prepare a deadly blow.

So you call yourself a hero, huh?
no more sorrow.
i paid for your mistakes.
your time has been borrowed for quite some time now,
and im here to take it all back!

then right when the deed is as good as done,
I turn away.
Killing you would be doing the same as what you did to others.
the cries for blood still ring in my ears.
but I will not be the monster some people make me out to be.
still, I know that you are the source of the pain.
so I do the only thing I can to stop you.

Just sit,
and think how when you could taste death,
someone had a mind of their own.
so tell me now, as you look death in the eye
(oh, I forgot: you CANT look me in the eyes)...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


He hugs her and smiles saying she's so beautiful
Right in front of me...Why in front of me?
He's my best friend, supposedly, but ever since our first argument...

Its just not the same...

He makes her laugh, just to see her giggle and smile.
He hugs her constantly,
what happened to the hugs he used to give me?

Now its just me hugging...and no hug in return...

He always has his arm around her
He only reacts happily when he sees her
No more joyful screams for me...

Its silent in the hallways...

Now when we are together,
He isn't as happy as he used to be.
More happy when she's around...

Why do I think of this daily?...

I feel like no longer speaking to them...
I feel like ignoring them, and leaving them...

The question comes to mind...

Am I jealous?...

I don't want it to control me...
What if I blurt out "I love you" to him
I am with someone I am in love with...

So why am I feeling this way?

The one I love, I plan to be with until the day I die.
I will always be with the one I love.
But why do I feel like...pulling him into my arms and...

These feelings are ridiculous...

It's not worth crying over someone you can never...
Not as a friend
Not as a lover
Not even as an aquintence

I am sick of this feeling...
this Jealousy...

I hate it with a passion that will never end...
not even when I am dead.

I hate it...
I truly hate it....

We are really AnImaLs.

Has news of the newly famous
S H O E – T H R O W E R
yet reached your ears?

is very upset-
but has never considered
September 11
made us

S E P T E M B E R 11
to give us the
get along with
one another-

N E W S F L A S H !
Secret picture of
indicates that

Y O U R S E C R E T S I S O U T!
S U B J E C T – V E R B A G R E E M E N T
is considered-
to some members.. of our
E D U C A T I O N is
and neither are
C A P I T A L L E T T E R S,
starting sentences with
A N D,
W R I T I N G W I T H C L A R I T Y.


What’s not important?
To Whom? Really?

You might not understand the
S U B T E X T.

tell us that
W O M E N L O V E S P A “S T U F F”
B O Y S N O T T O A C T L I K E G I R L S.

are I N V A D I N G N E A R S O M O L I A
and maybe we’ll
A T T A C K T H E M!


We have nO ReASoN to think about these things.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The snow falls on my head and melts into small feelings of compassion.
I walk to anywhere, I don't know where I am going, but I am still walking to wherever it is.
As I walk I watch the gray clouds above me and the snow falling.
My mind is full of memories.

The name passes my mind and at that moment my eyes open widely.
I stop walking.
I no longer look up, I begin to look down.
The tears have formed and fallen onto my boots.

I am standing in an empty, quiet place.
Full of snow, and loneliness.
The tears stop and my face feels tired.
I continue to walk, not looking up just yet.

After a few minutes of hearing the wind blow and watching my feet pound into the snow,
I look up again.
A light forms within the clouds.
My eyes squint.

The clouds move away from the light more and more.
And the snow continues to fall.
There it was.
What I was looking for.

I smile and continue to walk anywhere.
It shined upon my head.
Melting those little snow flakes,
Into small feelings of compassion.

Into Happiness and Love.

Merry Christmas To all those who have gotten me where I am today, To those who have stayed by me through good and bad, To those who have given me advice in order to help me better my future, To those who have made me laugh when I cried, To those who I know and don't know, To those I've lost...To everyone I've cried for. To everyone I love...

To the little snow flakes that have fallen upon my head and melted...into feelings of unstoppable happiness.

A Voice Screaming In My Head...

A voice screaming in my head…

says that I am confident.
I am strong.
I am-

Who is that?

Where is she?

Why doesn’t she come out unless I’ve woken up early enough to take a shower in the morning and laid out my clothes because I’ve gone to bed early enough?

What does she look like?

Where is she hiding when I’m
my sorrows in graham cracker cheesecake
with cherries on top
and locking-
myself away with nothing but
a paintbrush
some canvas
and the voice of the other me
whispering coarsly?

The smaller,
worst me possible...

Monday, December 15, 2008


If I could show you the feelings I hold within,

I would never smile.

I would reach out for my heart,

yet never reach it.

An unbelievably far distance...

between how I really feel,

and the me people think they know.


The anger wells up inside of me.
And I break out and yell.
ripping anything in my way.
My throat hurts with cries of
anguishing pain.
They call me crazy.
I am.
I am worthless and not useful.
to those around me.
I am a beast,
a monster.
And I scream out my anger.
Scream it.
I scream and scream,
until the rain pours and I am
Until the next day I do it again.
I scream.

worst crime is silence

Forgive me, for what I have done.
I didn’t know that I was hurting you.
I had no clue.
You never said anything
I’m here for you always.
And yet you said nothing.
You said nothing even as the
Pain you have now is mine.
I gave you the pain I have.
Now I feel bad.
But you never said anything.
Not even one word loose.
You were there for me always.
I want to be there for you too.
Just give me a chance to help.
Just as you cared for me
When I was down and out,
I shall do the same for you.
I know how it feels like.
I want no one to feel
Like how I felt, ever.
You knew this
And yet you never said anything.
You kept those lips sealed.
The serene peace and silence you kept.
Showing no signs of weakness
Or struggle whatsoever.
The strength you had to take it.
The weakness I contained.
I knew that you knew this already.
But you never said anything.
Now I sit here wondering, why?
And I realize you did it
All just to save me
From my impending doom.
You took it and placed it upon yourself.
The fate I deserved, you took.
You took it high on your shoulders.
But you never said anything.
And I don’t think you ever will.
I shall thank you for the rest of my life,
Trying to save you the best I could.
But I never come close to what
You have done for me.
The greatest thing anyone
has ever done for me.
And even though you don’t
want to say one word.
And have those lips sealed.
I will do the speaking for you.
Carrying your name on and
How you saved me.
From myself.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Empty Paper

I stare at the paper in front of me.

Empty and clean.

With nothing in mind to write,

I tap my pen annoyed.

Words won't come to my mouth,

They won't come onto the paper.

It's empty...

I think, and think...and think...

What is ther to write about?

What should I write about?

What to write...what to write...

The paper is still emtpy.

It's hungry for words,

and my hand's yearning for movement.

Nothing comes to my mind...

I drop the pen and leave my desk,

angry at the fact I ended up writing nothing.

I go to sleep.

I wake up hours later.

I sit back at my desk...

I pick up the pen.

I begin to write on the empty paper...

A story of my life.

My Curse... My Gift

I have a skill
that some would call a gift.
I call it a curse.
Too many times it has come upon me at the wrong time.
although I used it to help protect others.

I have a gift
that is not what it seems
because it is a curse
I am no longer who you think I am.
because this power is not really my own.

I have a curse
the blood that flows through my veins
and is mixed with a substance not of this world:
the transformation of a teenager to a demon.
the hideous strength.

I have a secret
I hid this deep inside me to protect you
but nothing can be hid forever.
your words stung and open wounds that still kill me inside.
"no... You're a demon! all this time you were lying to me!"
your words stabbed deeply through my heart.
and when I tried to tell you the truth
I was no longer me.
you who cared in the moments of my sorrow
turned away when you saw me
as a demon.

now i prowl in the darkness.
waiting for any who try to hurt you.
hoping you would wonder why you are so safe
when your life was forfeit the first time i met you.
that I can do: cheat fate for you.
keep you alive a little longer.
be your unknown bodyguard.
My attempt at redeemtion
which will be ever unknown.

that is my inner demon.
this is my skill.
this is my bane.
this is my gift.
this is my curse.

my life.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

i think i am lost

Music is the light at the
End of the tunnel I face.
Love is the treasure you
Seek at the end of the rainbow.
Pain is around us in a mist
That covers us completely.
The fear we face is real, it
Exists only in our minds.
The life we live is
A life of mystery.
Never knowing where it starts,
And when it ends.
Never knowing the solution to
A problem is the problem itself.
The fact a solution exists
Is the troubling fact.
We need to find that solution
In ourselves to survive.
Maybe you will never understand.
Maybe you will get to know this,
And use it to your advantage.
I will die with a smile,
Knowing that one day,
One day,…
Someone will get me.

all in time

The words we speak, is
The words we understand.
What we think, is
What we get.
We keep the promises.
Some promises are cold,
And empty and dark.
Those are the empty promises
That fills you up.
Then as it is fulfilled, slowly,
But surely. You gain from it.
No longer cold and empty,
But warm and full.
Fully grasping the idea
In your hands, catching the
Chance as it goes by in
A split second.
We see as the day comes
And goes before our eyes.
We see who is true.
We can tell who will be there.
The ones that always
Will care for you.
The words of wisdom, benefit,
Caring, and love for you.
Never letting go of
Their hands through life.
Sharing each moment together.
For as long as time lets you.


I kept you safe for as long
As I possibly could.
It seemed to leak loose.
I kept it to protect you.
To save you. I was your
Friend, your hero.
You lost faith and beat me.
I didn’t want to hurt you,
And I will never will.
So I turned to give you
What you wanted.
A chance for revenge,
A chance to relieve your
Anger, hate you have all
Towards me and I will
Accept it from your
Burdened shoulders.
I tried hard to save you. But it
Seems like you didn’t care.
I was there still help
You in your time of need.
This secret I keep, was not
Meant to be heard.
I kept it as best as I could.
It seems like when I had
My back turned for one second,
It escaped and you found it.
It destroyed me completely.
Because of that day and second,
I will never forgive myself.
I caused all the problems.
The problems you have is
Mine as well.
No sense in avoiding it because
You will have to face it eventually.
This secret I kept will
Be kept from others and
For their safety as well.
I fear the worst of myself.
I don’t understand yet what
My consequences seem to be.
But this pain I carry is
My burden for life.
My burden alone and no one
Else will help or intervene.
My burden for life and
This secret brings it as well.
Both intertwining into my soul,
I will never forget it.
It is inscribed into my skin
And mind for as long
as I can remember

Pain in Confusion

The pain feels better
And better as I feel it upon my
Cold lifeless body.
It fills me up wholly.
It shouldn’t be that way.
Pain is a bad thing.
But the pain brings pleasure to me.
Makes me feel whole.
Growing up with pain,
Living with pain is a daily
Routine for me.
Pain brings me to a whole
Other level.
This feels so good to me.
Bringing the pain back again.
Love the way it feels on me.
People that watch me hurt myself,
And stop me from doing so.
Cant ever stop this
Newly found addition of mine.
I understand why they want me
To stop this.
I can’t live without the pain.
The pain I feel is like,
A short burst of self inflicted pleasure.
It is like pricking yourself on
The beauty of a rose whose
Beauty engulfs you.
Like the love and care you
Have in your heart.
Even though it is a bad thing.
I would do many things to save you.
I would help you when you need it.
This is one of the things that
I don’t need saving upon.
The pain fills in the
void that I have within.
I have nothing better to live for.
I would give my life for you.
I would do anything for you.
This fact of pain doesn’t
change anything at all.
I will live my live for you.
You will live your live for yourself.
I don’t have much of
a future ahead of me.
It all looks so bleak to me.
I don’t understand this world.
I am a stranger in this land.
All I have is you.
My heart is incapable of living.
Too much confusion.
I am being sucked into a sea of
Emotions that leads into a black hole
That is my heart.
The masochist within
only survives and
Is the only part of me
That I am willing to show
Under all of my layers
And layers of secrecy and mystery.
No one understands me yet.
But as you look behind and
Remember what I had gone,
You will understand
What I had gone through.
The pain I had suffered then,
And the pain I suffer now.

grave digger

Words can kill people like
The atomic bomb that destroys life
As we know it now.
I cant speak because it hurts.
The pain I feel is like
No other kind of pain in the world.
The words, they choke me and
I cant breathe now.
Drowning in a river of pain and sorrow
That I have made for myself over the years.
Writing it out helps more now than it did.
The tears will not come.
I am digging my grave
In myself and I can’t stop.
My world has come crashing down.
So far down into my grave I lie.
As rose in my hand to remind me of life.
I watch you above me, and
You never knowing I am there.
Watching the pain you release
As I take it from you,
Relieving you from your troubles.
That way you wont dig
Your own grave like I have.
Doing this grave digging isn’t so much fun.
The lives I bury, the faces I see.
The pain I feel through them.
This will kill me one day.
But this is the life
that i am doomed to live.

Winter's Chilling

The day begins late, as the sun slowly rises over the eastern buildings, that are towering over the bundled up people. seeking refugee behind the thin glass of shelter at the bus stop, i dreaded the beginning of another early day. school contained all the things i wanted to avoid, yet i pursed it 5 days a week, knowing it would all pay off someday. i have always resented days like this. cold, rainy, and dark. a combination that almost always promised a bad day. for this reason, i wish to leave new york. the wish to run away from the constant season change, the putrid air, annoying people, constant demands, and the brutality of everyday. i wonder why live here, if happiness is so hard to come by? hope flushes my inside sadness as i realize that somewhere out there, there is a place to be happy. maybe new york is just not for me. maybe the trash, the deaths, the rush of day is just too much. but i know that one day, i will find that place. my happy place. a place where snow has never touched the grounds, where rain was as common as a drought was to new york. and most of all, a place where people never rushed. school began after the sun raised and i would never have to wait in the cold windy, rain for the crowded, dirty, stuffed bus to arrive.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Message from Ms. Walsh About Commenting

Hello fellow writers,

I am writing to encourage all of you to read each others blog postings. There are amazing pieces of writing on here that range from journal entries, to life musings, to poetry, to diatrabes, to short stories!

I know that as a writer myself, feedback is an important element that fosters growth. I invite you to start commenting on each other's work. Keep your comments to questions that could help the writer see his or her own writing from a different perspective.

Happy reading,

Ms. Walsh

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nothing will be the same ever again

My heart beats as each same time I saw his face and eyes that are looking at me.It scares me a little and gives a chill toward my body, wondering "why I am talking to him"?But as I am talking to him on email, my eyes and my face go into a blank expression when i asked him a question and this way he anwsers it. I get mad and terrifed, so I ingorne him by delting him on email and everything esle I have of him. But my mind can't stop thinking about him, it weakens and weakens. Somehow I lose my focus but gain my thoughts. I go to people thinking confused and wondering what should l do? But then a miracle happens, I don't know how but my friends are there for me and helping me out. I don't feel alone anymore and I know I will make the right choice coming out from my heart.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Life is simply too short

your eyes open for the first time
you experience sorrow and joy for the first time
you experince life all together for the first time
your eyes close for the last time

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Haiku Poems By Me

Good Times
The Smell of Flowers
as they lay on my bedroom floor
I wonder if she is there

Passing Time By
On the warm blanket
We lay there motionless
Watching the sunset

True Liars
Listening to her stories
Drifting away on the waves of deceit
While the creatures surround me

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
Time is going by really fast
When will it come

Deceiving Friends

Deceiving Friends like to lie
But they could be as bright as my socks
They can be graceful as butterflies
Yet again sly as a fox

Deceiving Friends can be peppy in your face
Then they start to slack
When you find out they lied they’re a disgrace
But you still want them back

Deceiving Friends

Whats Wrong

What’s wrong with these teachers?
They act like their preachers
Thinking they know why we act like this

What’s wrong with these teachers?
Talking so loud and proud
Keeping us after class when school is dismissed

What’s wrong with these teachers?
Giving us bad grades
Like their out to get us

What’s wrong with these teachers?
Calling our parents
Making them scream and fuss

What’s wrong with these teachers?
They say they care and then
We get yelled at in class

What’s wrong with these teachers?
Acting like preachers
Talking loud and proud
Giving us bad grades
Calling our parents
Saying they care

What’s wrong with these teachers?
They act like our parents and I guess that’s why they’re here

hurt me so you wont have to hurt

Take out your life stresses on me
I will not fight back
Tell me about you life issues
I won’t bother you with mine
You can cry on my shoulder
I’ll just give you my next shoulder in return
Get angry at me about what happened to you yesterday
I’ll just act like it is my fault anyways
Insult me, hit me, Hate me too
If it means you’ll be happy I’ll even disappear
Pretend like I’m a stranger around the cool crowd
But when you remember you’re a loser like me Ill be waiting for you
Tell me to jump and I’ll ask how high
If I tell you jump you’ll tell me I must be crazy
Treat me like a dog and make me cry
I’ll pretend like everything all right
I pushed you out the way from all the pain
You pushed me in the way so the pain wouldn’t reach you
I gave you my last breath of life
You gave me the finger and used the last breath to laugh
hurt me so you wont have to hurt

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Love Letter

Dear Love,

I've really come to miss you so much...I wonder how you've been. I miss you so much. There are days I space out in the middle of class thinking about you. As soon as my math teacher calls on me i have no idea what she asked and then i get confused. much for trying to get a higher grade.

Lately the very thought of you has gotten to me. I would come home trying not to think of it. But in the end, I cry in bed before I sleep. What should I do? I wonder... I've been thinking of how far you are from me, I want to grasp your arm and pull you into a tight hug. I wouldn't let go. I would never let go...

I try my best not to be so down about it, after all, I'm lucky enough to be able to talk to you right? Then I notice...I'm going crazy. I want to fly over there and steal you. Keep you for myself, I know it's selfish, but its okay to act selfish once in a while, right...? I miss you. I miss you very much. I love you. I want you to know I love you more than anyone, I care about you more than anyone. I've fallen hard for you, its come to the point that once we meet, and I assure you we will, I will make love to you until we can no longer stand, because I won't be able to hold in these feelings...

I cry now because I miss you, but I shouldn't cry. I should smile. So I will do my best to smile. I had a dream of you just a few days had come to new york. You came for me. We were together at last. I made up my mind, I will start working again...I will make money. I will save it, and if I get up to 500 dollars, I can open a bank account and keep saving the money. If I risk the little good relationship left with my parents, I will do so.

I will forget about school, but I wont forget to support you. You are the only one I feel this way for. I you so much!!! How can I control such a strong feeling in me that will just burst into my emotion, at any given time? I don't know. But I will try. I will try for you, to be happy, and to be patient. I can not leave you...

If...if you ever end this relationship, I will not accept it. I will hold on to you. I will still love you, for life. You are the only one I love, I won't let go of it. Never. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...

I can't stop saying it at night. "I love you, I love you..." I can't stop so explain to me why I can't stop! What is it about you that gets me going crazy when you are gone...why? Why do I cry for you so much. And I've realized...

It's because I love you that much....

I love you...


I can't run anymore

As sitting at the table, waiting for class to dismiss, my brain pops out again, the heart can't take it anymore. It beats and suddenly you feel like your whole bodyis being lifted off the chair. Too much stress with school, parents, tests, life, and it goes on the list. The girl wants to stop time and stay still for once, but she is too busy all over the place and thinking too much. Life kepts going on the way and she can't do anything about it. But the pain is growing and growing into a million pieces, or a puzzle that can't be sloved.

Eyes turning red because of sleepness and a head that is trying to control the movement. But the small head is full of drama, stress, life, and school that never stops going on. Everyday getting pressured as stepping into the school steps, she finally realized that if she can laugh then everything can be fine. 'A good laugh", isn't that so strange but every person needs a smile.

Perception of Love

What is LOVE????

Love is a many things

Love makes your heart sing

For love you would take your own life

This man right here wants you to be his wife

Wife me that's what I say

This love thing can go a long way

Teach me this crazy thing

This thing that makes my heart sing

Truth is you can't buy love it can't be taught but it is a thought that makes you fall

Its just a feeling brought to you matter fact sought by you

Love is dangerous but to me its my adventure

The perfect person I want to venture on with, is it me or my reflection

The one that keeps getting hurt by ones rejection

Love is what you ask and the answer is infinite


In this world there are so many liars
Backstabbing friends who deny it
Love makes you think hard
Trying and trying to figure out if you should goon without him or her
Your dreams are blurred and you wish that time would move
You love to hurt and hurt just to love
Is this worth my time or can I go above
What makes me quiver is it you that I have feelings for the one that feels for someone more than me
I know you like a brother, meaning we were meant for each other
I go crazy thinking of you and I didn't know my friend was thinking too
In this world there are so many liars and backstabbing friends who Just Deny It