Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Pressure is here,

my heart beats up each second as walking in the wide hallways

that can confuse you. But I feel so scared about my new teachers, grades that I will earned

in the marking period. My new friends cheering me up that "to take it easy" and making me

laugh all the time. I love them for that. As someone says grade or Homework, my brain gets

mashed into pieces. I can't take it anything and brain is getting a headache. One thing that

always kept me calm is listening to music and someone very special told me that "laughter is

best medicine." I know that my effort counts the best, I want to be the star that shoots the

moon. But can i do it? Time is going too fast and I can't kept up. Scared, the word that

brings me down. So I say go for it!

1 comment:

Ms. Walsh said...

You ARE doing it! Keep it up! Laughter is the best medicine, and reading is food for your brain. You're a superstar!