Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pretty Wings

"Your face will be the reason I smile, but I will not see what I can not have forever.."

Your feathers were so soft, your pretty wings..
So beautiful, so right, so wonderfully comfortable.

Those eyes looked at me lovingly,
and gave me a sense of this lasting forever.

Holding you...I feel the love sink in deeply.
I never want to let go..wish we could stay this way forever.

Me, caressing those pretty wings...
Long as you don't fly away I am happy.

"..let love set you free to fly your pretty wings around.."

I have to learn to let go though, learn to accept the fact it may happen.

lifting into the air slowly, hovering above me asleep,
your hair hanging down, softly passing through my hands...

those pretty wings eventually learned how to fly..and grew..

question is, shall you stay hovering over me...or shall you slowly fade away..

taking my breath away with you...

your pretty wings...

those pretty wings...

the part of you...I may not understand...but can learn about eventually...if you let me.

" your pretty wings around"

inspired by the song Pretty Wings by Maxwell, quotations from the song.

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