Friday, December 11, 2009

From the Top of My Head...

This is literally from the top of my head:...

As I stare out the track,
Deciding to jump or not
Always with a smile to
Not let others of the pain I suffered,
You come out of midair,
Pull me aside and...
Not let go off me until the danger has passed.
Even then, I fear I will lose control,
I will lose you,
Losing myself within you
Never gaining balance.

But with you by my side,
All my fear disappears,
As I realized, I
Have found my other half...
My yan of the yin
The Light withing all of my darkness
You are one of few that have shone lights
But the only one to keep the lights on
Unlike many others have tried in the past.
Feel as if you know myself better then I
As I try to figure out
Why you are with me,
Without ever realizing,
That you might be the one...
'Till now.

Hope for the best,
Expect the worst, is what
I taught myself in the trial of life,
But with you, I know i was wrong,
As I can now hope and expect
For the best of the outcomes in this
Naive life of mine.
At times I act too childish,
And at times I am with people
You dislike,...
But I can never
Ever explain...
That Phoenix... You are the one.
Without you, nothing else would matter.
Never forget my promise...
Anytime, Anything and Anywhere...
'Till the end of time,
Or my death...
Which I hope
Does not happen anytime soon
With you in my life.


αlєх said...

i love this one...its somewhat...soothing for me...I would love to hear this read out loud, i imagine a quiet, small voice speaking it...

Iffy said...

its from top of my head...
didn't even know till fin. reading it

Sharon Ho said...
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