Thursday, June 24, 2010


Screams and Screams
coming out of your mouth.
You are looking in the
mirror wondering
where is the answer
on my face? The dark
brown skin girl with
fragile hands looks
to herself can't see
the blooming flower
what is behind her.

Each laugh come out
from a small joke.
Are the laughs really
worth it? How do you
walk anyway from
a scence that just
Friends are gone.
You start to believe
them for one
second but in the
end they are lairs.
Each one of them
are a piece of candy
that when you eat them
you can't go back to
stop it. The candy tastes
too good.
She sits in her black-red couch
that her brother brought it
after he left the house.
It has no peace just the
screams of words that
can't be explained in
a piece of paper.
Love, un-fateful. Friendships,
too many of them into
useless crushes and
waste of time.Every
time when she told her
soul she would lose a piece
of candy along the way.
in your brain that you
need to keep on moving.
You can't help it because
it is the only thing
that is keeps you alive.
Is it all really

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