Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just Another Ordinary Day

I woke up this morning and stared at the calendar
I remember myself always waiting for this day to come
It was the day you and I met
I loved everything about you
I loved that you loved everything about me
Now as I stare at the calendar
It's nothing more than a memory
Nothing more than a part of me
Nothing more than a part of you
I bet you stared too at the date too
I bet you immediately thought about me
Because I immediately thought about you
You and I are similar
You and I were once a part of each other
But not anymore
Now we barely stare at each other
We wonder what the other thinks everytime we try to talk
It's awkward, but it's okay
I'll still love you like I always have
I'll still talk to you like a friend as before
I'll still hold you in my heart because there was a time I called you mine
I'll just wait around for us to start over again
But this time, start again as friends and nothing more

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