Sunday, April 12, 2009

life is like that ...

Each hurt of words
makes your heart
on fire and your brain
going into so many
directions. Running
out of breath you feel
tired and wish
sometimes you never
were born. Getting
your hands over
to cover your
tears you feel like
the world is going
to a end. Whats the
point of life? you tell
me! My heart beating
so hard as looking at
a person you feel like
getting a glass to
break the mirror.
Parents, school,
stupid crushes,
friends your brain
had too much
that can't take it
anyway. You wish
you could just leave
but you feel scared and
feel alone. You just
outcast who has
no one each friend
just going by with
their own lives. Life
is over for me as i say
while jumping from
the roof waving
goodbye to the

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