Monday, April 20, 2009

The Ugly Flower

I feel like a flower....
the ugliest flower in the meadow.
Every flower has its beautiful scent;
You can't smell that with me.
The other flowers have amazing colors.
They form a magnificent rainbow.
I mess up their rainbow;
I am an ugly color - a dark gray.
I am ignored by everyone who passes by.
I am just an ugly flower,
hiding in its bud,
waiting to burst out
and show its true colors.
Then, one day, you come over.
You admire me,
despite all my imperfections.
Why is this so?
You take care of me,
as if I were a child.
You make me happy.
And then it happens,
I bloom.
I show everyone a myriad of purple and red.
Suddenly, I am the most beautiful of the bunch.
And now I see:

All I needed was to be loved.

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