Thursday, December 11, 2008

grave digger

Words can kill people like
The atomic bomb that destroys life
As we know it now.
I cant speak because it hurts.
The pain I feel is like
No other kind of pain in the world.
The words, they choke me and
I cant breathe now.
Drowning in a river of pain and sorrow
That I have made for myself over the years.
Writing it out helps more now than it did.
The tears will not come.
I am digging my grave
In myself and I can’t stop.
My world has come crashing down.
So far down into my grave I lie.
As rose in my hand to remind me of life.
I watch you above me, and
You never knowing I am there.
Watching the pain you release
As I take it from you,
Relieving you from your troubles.
That way you wont dig
Your own grave like I have.
Doing this grave digging isn’t so much fun.
The lives I bury, the faces I see.
The pain I feel through them.
This will kill me one day.
But this is the life
that i am doomed to live.

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